Write for us

We appreciate your interest in contributing to us by writing. The Nickernewsblog.com website is open to receiving contributions from visitors and does so enthusiastically.

What Exactly Are We Trying To Find?

Our mission is to assist WordPress users in the areas of website setup, construction, and expansion.

Everything that we post on our site needs to be pertinent to our audience and offer something of direct value to them. If you believe you are capable of providing us with the content of such nature, we would be delighted to share our knowledge with you.

Your Content:

  • Has to be all-encompassing, pertinent, and helpful for the people who will be reading it.
  • Must be unique and in no way previously published.
  • May not breach any laws about copyright.


  • 500+ words
  • Checked for spelling & grammatical mistakes
  • Include relevant photographs with a minimum width of 720 pixels and the sources of those images
  • Include connections to other stuff on our website that may be found inside.
  • There are no affiliate links.
  • A selection of different headings for the blog article

You are allowed to insert a URL link to your website within the author bio box; however, you are only permitted to enter one link that is not keyword-optimized and does not follow. It is recommended that the URL lead to a website that discusses WordPress, marketing, or design.

Note that we do not cede our ownership of the copyright to any content that is published on our website. If your work is chosen, you will not be able to publish it anywhere else. Additionally, we retain the right to make any necessary modifications to the content.

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