Learn How to Use Structured Literacy Effectively

Literacy forms the foundation of education. This fundamental skill allows an individual to access knowledge, effectively communicate, and succeed. The journey to become a proficient reader and writer can be a challenge for many. It is a fact that structured literacy instruction techniques have been highly effective for individuals of all ages. In this article, you will learn about structured literacy instructional techniques. You will also discover the powerful instructional techniques it uses.

Understanding Structured Reading

Structured reading is an educational approach that incorporates cognitive psychology, research in linguistics, as well as knowledge of education. It is designed to teach learners explicitly and systematically the underlying structure and patterns of English. Structured literacy education is different from traditional methods. Instead of relying on memorization techniques or guesswork to teach learners, it gives them the tools and knowledge they need to decode and encrypt words, comprehend texts, and become independent authors and readers.

Key Principles Structured Literacy

Phonological awareness is the foundation for structured literacy. It begins by developing the ability to recognize, manipulate, and understand the sounds of spoken languages. This is fundamental to understanding the relationship that exists between sounds and alphabets.

  • Systematic and Sequential: Structured reading programs follow a pre-defined sequence. They logically introduce phonemes. This method ensures that students build on existing knowledge.
  • Explicit Teaching: The explicit nature of structured literacy makes it one of its most distinctive characteristics. Teachers use clear, direct instruction to break down complex ideas into manageable bits and offer guided practice.
  • Multisensory Techniques: Structured reading often includes multisensory approaches, engaging multiple senses for learning (visually, audibly, and kinaesthetically). This is a great way to address the diverse learning needs of all learners.
  • Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Decoding: Structured Literacy Instruction emphasizes vocabulary growth and comprehension techniques to improve reading and spelling proficiency.

Effective Structured Literacy Instructional Techniques

To align with these principles, instructional techniques in structured literacy have been developed. These methodologies apply to many situations and are appropriate for all students. The following are some efficacious strategies that may be implemented in structured reading instruction:

  • Phoneme Grapheme Correspondence: This method teaches students the relationship between written symbols and speech sounds. This involves teaching the learners how specific phonemes in English can be represented as graphemes.
  • Word Dictation: The teacher will pronounce a new word, and then the student will write it down. They both segment the sounds and choose the appropriate graphemes. This technique is used to reinforce spelling and phonemic recognition.
  • Reading Aloud: Reading with fluency helps improve decoding skills. It also encourages them to focus on punctuation.

Structured Literacy Instruction: Benefits

Structured literacy training has numerous benefits for all learners. These include those with dyslexia, English language students, and struggling learners. Some of these include:

  • Improved Reading Proficiency: Structured literacy provides learners with tools that help them decode unfamiliar words and enhance their reading comprehension. As a result, they become better at reading.
  • Enhance Writing Skills: By understanding English’s orthographic and phonological aspects, learners will become more confident in their writing, correctly spelling and expressing the words more effectively.
  • Confidence increases: Confidence and self-esteem improve as students succeed in decoding or encoding words.


Structured Literacy Instruction Techniques have emerged as an effective method for teaching literacy. This approach is grounded in principles and research that are supported by evidence. Structured Literacy equips students with the necessary tools to become successful writers and readers. It does this by teaching phoneme-grapheme correlation, phonological understanding, and other foundational concepts. 

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